All School / All Parent Events
The 2024-2025 academic year is a year of growth. There are many parish and school events to experience at Holy Angels. All school families, even those who are not parishioners, belong at these events. Check out the calendar for more information and follow the Facebook page for updates/changes. All are welcome!
Highlighted in Blue are parent lead activities that look for volunteers to help keep things running!
- August 18: Open House after 10:30 a.m. Mass (until 12 noon) Used Uniform sale is in held the cafeteria!
- August 21: First Day of School
- August 26: First Day of After School
- Home room parent Volunteers for the year Sent out per teacher
- Keep an eye out for CYO or SAY/Booster Soccer sign ups in weekly email
- Mum Sale Opens
- September 2: NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
- September 18: Picture Day
- September 27: NO AFTER SCHOOL
- September 29: Feast Day of the Archangels
- October 2: Feast Day of the Guardian Angels
- October 3: Midterms Go Home
- October 7–8: NO AFTER SCHOOL
- October 16: Early Dismissal (12 noon); Parent-Teacher Conferences (1:00 p.m.)
- October 17–18: NO SCHOOL; October 17: Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:00 a.m.)
- October 25: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development
- October 29: Pumpkin Carving
- October 31: Halloween Parade (8:30 a.m.) and Home room party (Scheduled per class)
- November 8: End of 1st Trimester
- November 11: Veterans Day; NO AFTER SCHOOL
- November 15: Report Cards Go Home
- November 25–29: Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)
- Winter Plant and Wreath Sale Opens
- Home room Christmas Party
- December 20: Preschool Christmas Performance; Early Dismissal (12 noon)
- December 23–31: Christmas Break
- Keep an eye out for JVA/Booster Basketball sign ups
- January 1–3: Christmas Break
- January 6: School Resumes
- January 11th Booster Fish Fry
- January 15: Midterms Go Home
- January 20: NO SCHOOL - MLK Day
- January 27–31: Catholic Schools Week
- January 30: NO AFTER SCHOOL
- February 1: Girls Dance is 6-9pm in the Holy Angels Gym
- February 14: NO SCHOOL
- February 17: NO SCHOOL - Presidents’ Day
- February 19: 1st Reconciliation Practice (6:30 p.m.)
- February 21: NO AFTER SCHOOL; End of 2nd Trimester
- February 26: 1st Reconciliation Service (6:30 p.m.)
- February 27: Parent-Teacher Conferences (NO SCHOOL); Report Cards Go Home
- February 28: NO SCHOOL
- Spring Flower Sale Opens
MARCH 2025
- March 5: Ash Wednesday
- March 14: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development
- March 15: Boys Dance is 6-9pm in the Holy Angels Gym
- March 17–21: NO AFTER SCHOOL
- March 21: Mission Day
- March 25–26: State Testing (Grades 3–8 ELA)
- Keep an eye out for Track sign ups in weekly email or Facebook
APRIL 2025
- April 8–9: State Testing (Grades 3–8 Math)
- April 10–11: State Testing (Grades 5 & 8 Science)
- April 15: Confirmation Retreat (8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.)
- April 17: Early Dismissal (12 noon)
- April 18: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- April 18–25: Spring Break
MAY 2025
- May 1: May Crowning
- May 3: First Communion (5:00 p.m.)
- Teacher Appreciation Week May 5-9
- May 6: 8th Grade Confirmation Practice (6:30 p.m.)
- May 7: 8th Grade Confirmation (7:00 p.m.)
- May 9: Preschool Pancakes with Parents
- May 14: PTO Spring Meeting 7:00 p.m.
- May 20: 8th Grade Graduation; NO AFTER SCHOOL
- End of the year party (Scheduled per class)
- May 22: Preschool Graduation; Last Day of School (Early Dismissal)
Need more understanding on events on the calendar?
- Open House - Come to school to meet your teacher and learn more about ways for students are their parent or guardian to get involved at school.
- PTO Fall Semester General Meeting (planned as Zoom and In Person) - This meeting is for everyone! Facilitated by the PTO Board, come to hear a principal update, information about how fundraising dollars are planned for this school year and ways to get involved.
- Home room Parent - Each class will have parent volunteers be the point of contact for teachers to help schedule parties for the students and communicate with other parents.
- Parent Teacher Conferences - Holy Angels School hosts formal teacher conferences in both Fall and Spring. All parents and guardians are encouraged to attend the Fall conferenced. Spring conferences are optional and teachers will reach out if he/she believes there is a need to meet.
- Halloween Parade of Costumes - Each Oct around Halloween, students wear their Halloween costume to school. After morning announcements, parents and guardians can watch the students parade outside by class. If raining, the parade is moved to the gym. Watch for more information in the Link so that you do not miss this. Parking instructions will be shared.
- All Saints Day Mass and Celebration - Mass and celebration in the gym. Because our school population includes non-Catholics, the school and parish want to specially emphasize that All Saints celebration is for all students and their parents/guardians.
- Boosters Fish Fry and Silent Auction - You do not want to miss the major fundraiser for the Boosters is the Fish Fry! Each year, school families, parishioners and friends come together for a fun night of food and festivities. The silent auction is fantastic! (Start thinking about what you can donate now.)
- Catholic Schools Week Parish Thank You - Catholic Schools Week was established in 1974 as an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. At Holy Angels, we kick off the week with a parish thank you directed at all the parishioners who support the school financially, with prayer and with their talents. The week that follows is a fun week. Watch for several out of uniform days that week!
- School Open House - During Catholic Schools Week, Holy Angels School hosts an open house for current and prospective families to visit the school.
- Meatball Madness Mardi Gras Dinner - For many years, the Knights of Columbus hosted a meatball dinner. Academic year 21-22, Holy Angels Family Faith in Action committee helped to expand this event to directly invite school families. It was a fun Mardi Gras celebration with beads, live entertainment and student artwork on display.
- Trivia Night - The 8th grade class hosts at least one trivia night each year. This BYOB event is a fun way to meet parents, guardians and others who are involved at the school. Don't have a team? Don't worry...the 8th grade parents welcome all who want to compete for bragging rights at this fun event.
- Mission Day - For decades, Mission Day has been a tradition for students to celebrate carnival style to raise money for a special cause. Alumni are invited to come back to volunteer. If you decide to volunteer for this event, be aware of the loud noisemaker prizes. Have some Ibuprofen on hand.
- PTO End of Year Semester Meeting (via Zoom and in person) - This meeting is for everyone! Facilitated by the PTO Board, parents and guardians hear updates on fundraising and enrichment programs their students benefitted from during the year. A special tradition happens at this meeting where 8th grade parents with their last child graduating from Holy Angels are welcome to say goodbye and share memories from their experience. PTO also awards 2 $500 scholarships to 8th graders with parents or guardians present at this meeting. You must be present to be eligible.
- May Crowning - This is not a mass. This is a celebration of the Blessed Mother which includes a formal procession into church for children receiving first communion and 8th grade graduates followed by an ice cream social. All students are welcome!
- Walkathon - Walkathon fundraiser was put in place so that the PTO could raise more money necessary for field trips in the next year. This outdoor walk takes students on an afternoon walk through UD's campus. There are stations through-out making the event fun. All parents and guardians are welcome to volunteer or walk with their students.
Have a good idea for fundraising and you want to help? Email
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20
- Monday, January 27
- Tuesday, January 28
- Wednesday, January 29
- Thursday, January 30